旋转加料器 星型卸料器 出料口阀门
xg系列 旋转加料器
rotating feeder
this feeder is advanced technology product absorbing the same product technology of german, usa and japan etc, which is widely used in building material, glass, mining, power, light industry and papermaking departments. it can feed of positive pressure transportation or negative pressure absorbing, discharge in material transportation and dust removal system. it also can close system preventing gas leakage and feed at the same time.
structure characteristic:
the valve adopts sealing structure of deputy rotation oil seal and special filler, which is reliable. the high-precision bearing ensures the high-precision operation. it has the features of long life, little gap, low leakage, and accurate and quick transportation amount, which especially suits for the bulk material transportation conditions of high pressure, high temperature, complicate material characteristic and multiple medium. chose different rotate speeds and forms of adjusting speed motor to meet different feeding amount. chose different rotor type according to the different material to make the blades, intake and material in the best state, which is good for material transportation. add antifriction lining, movable blades and exchange antifriction material to reduce abrasion and extend usage service life.
performance parameter:
公称压力 nominal pressure | 介质流速 medium velocity | 适用温度 suitable temperature | 适用介质 suitable medium | |
0.05mpa | ≤30m/s | ≤120℃ | ≤500℃ | 干燥粉尘、颗粒、晶体等 dry powder, grain, crystal etc |
model explanation:
xgd---f /
我公司基本型 客户选用减速机代号
standard basic model of ourcompany reducer code selected by user
l xgd-f表示底座式方法兰连接,xgd-y表示底座式圆法兰连接,xgt-f表示整体式方法兰连接,
l xgd-f means base square flange connection, xgd-y means base round flange connection, xgt-f means integral square flange connection, xgt-y means integral round flange connection, xgz-f means straight square flange connection, xgz-y means straight round flange connection, xgn-f means integral antifriction square flange connection, xgn-y means integral antifriction round flange connection.
working principle:
the valve is mainly made up of shell, rotary impeller, end cover, sealing pairs, bearing and transmission device etc. it is the device making use of volume and gravity to ration powder grain material and run the material. a power-driving device will drive the impeller rotate and feed from the top of the shell. the falling material above will be rotated to the blow and fall in the effect of its gravity. equal-press sucking intake placed on the side will absorb the high-pressure gas brought by impeller, which can make the material fall smoothly.
usage explanation
l 旋转加料器连接方式为法兰连接。安装时传动装置不允许作起吊用,并严禁损伤。
l 安装前必须清洁阀门内腔,不允许有任何杂物和污垢附着。
l 安装前先检查阀门各传动部分是否完好,试运行无误后再进行安装。
l 法兰连接时加密封垫后均匀锁紧联接螺栓。
l 减速传动装置接线前,打开电机防护罩,手动旋转叶片,无异常现象后,方可接线。点动电机试运行,试运行3小时后方可投入正常使用。
l 该阀应存放在干燥的室内,不允许露天存放或堆置。长期存放时应使阀门处于关闭状态,各传动部位加润滑油,传动装置作防潮、防尘处理。
l joint type of this valve is flange joint. the transmission device cannot be hoisted and avoid damage when installed.
l the body must be cleaned before installed and there is no dirt and sundries clinging to the body
l check the transmission part before install. install the valve after there is no mistake.
l lock down the connecting bolt after add sealing washer.
l open the protection cover of motor and rotate the blades by hand before wire the speed reducer device to make sure that there is no mistake. trial operation must be done and the valve can be used after three hours of trial operation.
l the valve should be stored in dry room and should not be piled up in open air. it should be in full close state when long stored. add lubrication to the transmission part and the device should be dampproof and dustproof.
information for order:
l 选用订货时,请参照产品样本注明产品规格、型号、客户选用电装代号及技术参数(使用温度、设备工况、介质性质等)。
l 样本所示产品图例及表格中所列电动装置号为我公司基本普通配置,不带任何相关配件。您若有特殊要求(防爆、户外、调速、调频)另行配置电动装置,请参照样本附录中相应电装配置说明,标注在基本型号后面。
l 表格中未列规格、用于特殊介质或其它特殊要求,请与我公司经销部、技术部联系,可为您另行设计、制造。
l please indicate the type, model and technical parameter (using temperature, working condition of equipment and characteristic of medium etc) referring to the product sample when you place an order.
l product legend in the sample and electric device listed in table is the basic normal collocation of our company without any corresponding accessory. if you have especial demand (anti-explosion, outdoors, timing and frequency modulation type etc), please refer to the explanation of corresponding actuator code in the sample appendix and indicate it below the basic model.
l if you have other special demand, need special medium or the spec that is not listed in the table, please contact with our department of market and technology. we can design and manufacture for you especially.
( 以上图片供参考)
- 地址:荆州 沙市区关沮乡十号路旁
- 邮编:434004
- 电话:0716-4310989
- 文员:侯小琴
- 传真:86-0716-4310980
- Email:hbopai@163.com